
Photo Shoot at the Farm 12/14

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Girls Camp - Shadow Ridge Ward 2013

I have been a Beehive advisor in the Shadow Ridge Ward for about 2 1/2 years, and I was recently made the 2nd counselor.  So in November it will be 3 years in Young Women.  I have to say this calling has truly blessed me.  It's been worth sacrificing because I can see how it has helped me through hard times and made me happier during happy times. 

This was my first time going to Camp Stimpson since I always went to Kolob for stake camp when I was a youth.  I guess Camp Stimpson is only for those who live in Las Vegas...I don't know.  I LOVED camp this year.  I was really worried about not feeling well and having to go home early, but Travis gave me a blessing and never felt better that week (even while getting less sleep!).  It was so much fun to be a leader and our tent was the most fun!  The girls had to tell us leaders to be quiet and go to bed!!  Ha! Ha!

The port-a-potty pictures above are me going "biffy fishing".  What is biffy fishing, you ask?  It is retrieving something that doesn't fall under the categories of pee, poo, or toilet paper.  This was not in the handbook where it describes the duties of a second counselor in the Young Women program.

Our theme was "FATITH".  Our scripture hero was "DANIEL".

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