
Photo Shoot at the Farm 12/14

Friday, August 30, 2013

First Day of School - August 2013


It's here!!  Another year at Kitty Ward Elementary!

Talon is in 2nd grade and his teacher is Mrs. O'Neal.  Mrs. O'Neal said she spent the summer going to Wet N' Wild with Talon's 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Evans. We have a good feeling we Mrs. O'Neal just as much as Mrs. Evans.  Look out Room 78 - Talon is ready to learn!
Jace is in Kindergarten!!! He is so excited!  His teacher is Mrs. Morales.  He says he loves going to class and having good behavior to earn green cards.  When he earns 10 green cards, he can trade them in for a surprise in the treasure box!  Jace says he doesn't want any days off and he wants extra homework because he loves learning!!
Look at these handsome boys!

Rylee wasn't ready to get out of bed yet, so she wouldn't look at the camera...

Talon is in his line where his teacher comes to get the class at 7:50 a.m.

Jace was being a little shy, but...

When it was time to get Jace's name tag, he walked right into class with no problem! 

Rylee Rose really wants to go to school like her brothers, but she is getting some special time with Mom.  They play "kitchen" together.  She also like to wear her backpack and take her spiderman lunchbox when we go pick up the boys.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Man trip - August 2013

Travis, Talon, and Jace went to Preston, Idaho & Logan, Utah for cousin, Cashlynn's wedding. Rylee and I stayed behind because it was back to back with girls camp.  The boys always have fun on their "man trips".  Besides the wedding, the highlights of the trip were at Uncle Deano's house in Preston.  They rode four-wheelers, saw cows and horses, and rode in Uncle Deano's school bus.  Talon said they also saw an abandoned gold mine.


Girls Camp - Shadow Ridge Ward 2013

I have been a Beehive advisor in the Shadow Ridge Ward for about 2 1/2 years, and I was recently made the 2nd counselor.  So in November it will be 3 years in Young Women.  I have to say this calling has truly blessed me.  It's been worth sacrificing because I can see how it has helped me through hard times and made me happier during happy times. 

This was my first time going to Camp Stimpson since I always went to Kolob for stake camp when I was a youth.  I guess Camp Stimpson is only for those who live in Las Vegas...I don't know.  I LOVED camp this year.  I was really worried about not feeling well and having to go home early, but Travis gave me a blessing and never felt better that week (even while getting less sleep!).  It was so much fun to be a leader and our tent was the most fun!  The girls had to tell us leaders to be quiet and go to bed!!  Ha! Ha!

The port-a-potty pictures above are me going "biffy fishing".  What is biffy fishing, you ask?  It is retrieving something that doesn't fall under the categories of pee, poo, or toilet paper.  This was not in the handbook where it describes the duties of a second counselor in the Young Women program.

Our theme was "FATITH".  Our scripture hero was "DANIEL".

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

All because two people fell in love...

We have been blessed with 3 AMAZING kids! 

Talon James Newsom - June 20, 2006

Jace Taylor Newsom - June 11, 2008

Rylee Rose Newsom - March 13, 2011

We have a wall in our hallway with our HUGE family picture.  I absolutely love it! When the kids are at school and Travis is at work, it can always feel like they are with me.  I can't express enough gratitude for a healthy, loving, fun family.