
Photo Shoot at the Farm 12/14

Monday, January 13, 2014

December Fun


December 2013

Jace's kindergarten class won a free face painting party for being the best class in art.  He wore his paint all day until his friend, Jaydyn's birthday party that night.  His class watched Polar Express and had popcorn and other treats. 

One night, I forget which, we invited our neighbors over to make smores with a real fire in the backyard.  It was cold, but a lot of fun. 

Shadow Ridge Ward Christmas Party!

The kids wore their P.J.'s and we had breakfast at the church.  Waffles, biscuits and gravy, cereal...all the yummies. 

Talon also had a pajama day the last day of school before Christmas break.  He watched an elf movie and had hot cocoa and treats.  He and Jace both made adorable ornaments for us to keep forever.

We love Dad!

Cutie Pie Rylee!


Bass Pro Shop - Santa Visit Success!!!

The kids requests from Santa:
Talon - 5 Double Light Sabers
Jace - A Santa mobile and anything that is fun.
Rylee - A candy cane.

Christmas Day!!!!!!!!!!!

On Christmas morning, Talon and Jace woke up at approximately 4:20 a.m.  They were soooooooo excited! Mom and Dad told them to let us sleep until at least 6 a.m.  They watched some t.v. and snooped around the tree and their stockings until it was time to wake up the rest of the family.  The kids were all excited to see presents they asked for an some presents that were a surprise.  It was a wonderful morning and most of the time everyone was taking turns opening presents so we could all see what each person got.




Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Family Pictures - November 2013

The Shepherds got together for a family picture at O'Callaghan park in Henderson.  It's our favorite park because there's an awesome bridge and it's really green with old trees.  (The same bridge my siblings and I would pretend that it had a troll living underneath.  And it's and it's an old park because I used to run the mile in P.E. there in elementary school.) 


Here's our family photo from 2 years ago on the bridge.

The kids were so little...time is really flying.